🚀 Advocu Release notes January 2023
Get an inside look at the new features and improvements in Advocu.
Share all your community resources in one place
Create a one-stop-shop with all the community resources in Advocu, and make it easier for your Members to find and explore them.
Things to try:
Find 'Resources' page in Advocu and add new link together with its title and description.
A freshly added resource will appear as "new" for 14 days.
Segment your community members with tags
Use tags for easy organization and faster member segmentation.
Tags are visible for all platform users. It means that you can use them for data segmentation, and your Members can use them to find a fellow expert in the same product area.
Things to try:
Create new tags in Community Space settings, choose your color, name and description for easier identification.
Open Member's profile to assign them tags (both Admins and Managers can do so!)
Filter Members directory by assigned tags
VIP invitation option for Members to skip the application process
Now you can easily invite new Members and let them skip the application process!
Things to try:
Open Members page to invite new Members
Add their emails - Advocu will send them invitations to join
Once they log in - that's all! They can jump to adding new activities or fill in their profiles with more data
Authenticate to Advocu with GitHub
Register or log in to Advocu using your GitHub account.
Fast, easy, no additional steps, nothing more to add 😎
Stack Overflow integration
Now Stack Overflow contributions and statistics are automatically tracked, based on links shared by Members in their profiles.
Things to try:
Open your profile, edit it and your Stack Overflow link.
Your data will be pulled after you save your profile.