🚀 Advocu Release notes April 2023
Get an inside look at the new features and improvements in Advocu.

GitHub integration for Member profiles
Based on GitHub profile links added by Ambassadors, Advocu is now pulling their basic profile data from GitHub.
How to use it?
Ambassadors can add their GH profile links in the Application Form, or edit their Member profile.
Based on the link, Advocu is previewing their basic GH stats on the profiles.
Data is updated automatically, or after every link edit.

Program logo and name is now visible on login page
Tired of the blank, generic Advocu login page? We've got you 😎
Now, whenever your community members use the invitation link to your program on Advocu, they'll see your logo and program name there.
We hope that this update will give your future and current program members more confidence, when registering to a third-party tool, which Advocu is.
PS If you want to update the logo for your program, just let us know at support@advocu.com